The ECB continues to work with Sport England on the pioneering club accreditation scheme 'Clubmark' to develop a vibrant and healthy club cricket infrastructure
Cricket clubs can play a key role in the successful delivery of Building Partnerships - cricket's strategic plan for 2006-2009 - by supporting the delivery and implementation of the following programmes:
Focus Club Community Cluster Programme
Affiliated Club and League services
Workforce development
Player development
Facility development
Competitions development
A Chance to shine programme
The ECB Clubmark and community cricket clubs play a central role in all of the programmes and clubmark will provide the standards that clubs invovlved in these programmes will aspire to.
In addition, it is expected that clubs who achieve the ECB Clubmark will be recognized and rewarded for their hard work and commitment to club cricket in England and Wales
By registering to work towards ECB Clubmark, clubs join a growing number of cricket clubs across England and Wales that are prioritising junior development, creating a benchmark for high quality community club cricket
County Cricket Development Managers can help clubs through the process of achieving ECB Clubmark Accreditation.
ECB Clubmark gives clubs an opportunity to write and implement new procedures as well as acknowledge existing practices. Cricket clubs are required to present evidence and demonstrate implementation across four different themes, culminating in the production of a Club Development Plan
The Four themes are:
Duty of Care and Safeguarding Children
The Cricket Programme
Sports Equity and Ethics
Club Management
For more information see http://www.ecb.co.uk/clubmark