2025 Subscriptions
£250 Adults
£170 Students
New members will pay a reduced fee of £190 for the first season.
Any members who would like to pay in installments may do so by contacting Membership Secretary, Dan Taylor.
A payment plan proposal has been issued to all members, this will need to be agreed with Dan on a case by case basis.
If anyone has any queries at all with regards to paying in instalments, please do not hesitate to contact Dan via ddtaylor500@gmail.com or by text 07598 699147.
Cricket subscriptions are due by no later than Saturday 31st May 2025. Anyone unpaid at this point will be ineligible for selection until payment has been received in full.
What's Included
Cricket membership automatically includes social membership of the Brentham Club, which includes full access to the members bar, sports bar, hall, function rooms, cafe, snooker room, darts and many more excellent facilities, as well as giving you an opportunity and the platform to compete against some of the best cricket teams in the county. ​
Definitions and Conditions
The Membership year runs from 1 April to 31 March, except for Football membership which runs from 1 September to 31 August.
Membership of any sport section automatically includes Social membership.
One subscription is payable for multiple sport membership and will be the highest relevant fee option.
Social membership permits the member to use The Brentham Club’s bars and coffee shop, Darts and Snooker facilities as well as participating in the Club’s Bridge activities.
Senior members must be aged 65 years or older at the beginning of the membership year (1 April).
Junior under 11 members must be accompanied by an adult except when attending officially-organised Club events.
Tennis Midweek members may use the tennis courts until 1700 hours, Monday to Friday only.
Non-members must be signed in and a guest fee must be paid (a receipt must be obtained). Note: there are special rules regarding Tennis Members’ guests – please contact the BLTC Committee for information.