Brentham vs Australians
It used to be the custom for the cricketing Touring side to play a one day game against The Club Cricket Conference, the representative side of club cricketers. In 1961 the Australians, captained by Richie Benaud, played the Conference at Blackheath and were beaten, a unique result and one that remains in the annals of Club Cricket. The extent of the achievement can be judged against by the fact that TheAustralians only lost one other game that season–against England. Richie Benaud was still smarting about it years later.

Brentham had the special memorable attainment of having, amazingly enough, 2 members of the Conference team, John Swann and Joe Misso. John scored 38 not out but Joe did not have to bat. Joe, despite being part of such a memorable achievement, was never awarded a Conference cap and it has been decided on this, the 55th anniversary, to rectify that posthumously.