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Michael Avery's funeral details confirmed

The funeral of Life Vice-President Michael Avery will be held at 1.40pm on Thursday 29 September in the Jamieson Chapel at the South West Middlesex Crematorium (Hounslow Road, TW13 5JH). The family request no flowers with donations to The Salvation Army or Brentham Cricket Club.

Club Stalwart Mike died on Monday 22 August following a long-illness.

Mike spent the majority of his playing career with Southall CC. A brave and obdurate opening batsman, with a good defensive technique, he allowed more gifted stroke-makers the freedom to express themselves.

He joined Brentham in the twilight of his career, playing,for some years in the 3rd XI before becoming our unofficial “ambassador". Mike was always the first to greet umpires, scorers, opposition supporters, or anyone just passing the ground, with his trademark smile and a warm welcome.

In the bar on a Saturday night, Mike seemed to have a never-ending repetoire of stories from his days playing and watching the game which could be bought for a bottle of Holstein Pils.

Mike's other great passion was Horse Racing. In recent years, he was able to combine his two loves with our annual visit to the point-to-point fixture at Kingston Blount which was, undoubtedly, one of the highlights of the social calendar.

Even as his health failed him, Mike would still keep up to date with all the goings-on at the club and, though his visits became less frequent, he never lost that sparkle in his eye whenever he was talking about the game, and the club, he loved.

A gentle and genial host, Mike will be greatly missed by Brentham Cricket Club and the very many he knew in Middlesex club cricket. Our thoughts go out to his friends and family at this sad time.


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